Osan for Business Services & Intellectual Property and Consulting
We have a staff with experience and high efficiency for more than eleven years and it has several branches outside the Sultanate of Oman, and we have strong relations with several Arab and foreign companies specialized in providing relations Public, internal and international advisory services and linking relations between government agencies and the private sector to serve the public and private sectors and the economy,
And concluding commercial and governmental deals inside and outside the Sultanate of Oman, and it also gained preference and distinction among other companies that provide services, and it is always pleased to provide all the required work to the fullest,
As we have full experience and trained cadres in public relations and provide these cadres to the public and private sectors to reach the desired results and achieve the desired goals, Customer satisfaction and service evaluation is our priority.

Innovative HR Solutions
Except too obtain some work advantages from it but whom has any rights.
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Leadership Development
Actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth masters human happiness.
Read moreDream on Global Development in Top Management Consulting
OSBIC International is looking forward to expanding public relations with governmental and private bodies inside and outside the Sultanate of Oman, and developing export services and investments inside and outside the Sultanate for mutual economic development. levels and improve the image of its customers at home and abroad

Establishment Process
Procedure for company registration or establishment in the Sultanate of Oman
Reserve a Trade Name
Investment License
- Commercial Register

Your Success is our Priority
If you are looking to start a small or big business, We'll help you get everything done accurately, quickly and at low cost.
Company formation and licensing
10 years or 5 years golden visa
- 100% foreign ownership company registration

Compliance Audits
Prevents our being able too what get
like best every pleasure.
Handling of employment
Greater retention rates
- A fully engaged workforce

Our Message
OSBIC International emphasizes on spreading a culture of quality in the field of providing distinguished relations between the public and government and private agencies, evaluating service and addressing problems in order to create real competition between all sectors, and we adopt this message in order to provide the best services and the most appropriate prices.